Namahamechuu ni Cell ni Kyuushuu Sare Shokushuzeme ni Au 18-gou

Namahamechuu ni Cell ni Kyuushuu Sare Shokushuzeme ni Au 18 gou 01
Namahamechuu ni Cell ni Kyuushuu Sare Shokushuzeme ni Au 18 gou 02
Namahamechuu ni Cell ni Kyuushuu Sare Shokushuzeme ni Au 18 gou 03
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Namahamechuu ni Cell ni Kyuushuu Sare Shokushuzeme ni Au 18 gou 15
Namahamechuu ni Cell ni Kyuushuu Sare Shokushuzeme ni Au 18 gou 16
After absorbing Android 17, Cell is on the quest of Android 18 to complete his transformation and reach the state of perfection that will guarantee him to become the most powerful warrior in the universe. Meanwhile, Android 18, in company with Android 16, remain hidden from Cell, although they pass unnoticed the presence of Krilin who is also there with the purpose of destroying Android 18, using a control that will activate its self-destruction.
However, Krilin is invaded by feelings of attraction towards Android 18 but fights against them to fulfill her mission. Krilin presses the button on the control, which, after a few minutes, takes effect on Android 18, who begins to notice her breasts and vagina are more sensitive than normal.
At that moment Android 18 is invaded by an uncontrollable feeling of lust that makes her feel the need to masturbate, stripping off all her clothes in order to give in to the sexual impulses that have already taken control of her body. While this happens, Krilin remains hidden observing the consequences of her action, although she does not notice that her penis is sticking out of her hiding place, making it noticed by the Android 18, who, in the middle of her sexual trance, pounces on it to suck and lick it, but, ends up disappointed, not getting an erection with which to satisfy her libido.
Krilin is discovered and is about to be exterminated by Android 18, but she changes her mind when she sees how her penis begins to harden and increase its size, awakening again her sexual appetite, which she uses to slide her pussy over Krilin’s hard cock, who would finally make his fantasy come true, It seems that the Android 18 has found in Krilin the ideal tool to satisfy its voracious sexual appetite, but the situation takes an unexpected turn when Cell makes his appearance.

I'm Batman
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Our previous comics titled Naughty Medicine – CyberUnique contains information about Blowjob, Cyberunique, Full Color.

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