My Friend’s Mom

My Friend’s Mom My Friend’s Mom My Friend’s Mom My Friend’s Mom My Friend’s Mom My Friend’s Mom My Friend’s Mom My Friend’s Mom My Friend’s Mom My Friend’s Mom My Friend’s Mom My Friend’s Mom My Friend’s Mom My Friend’s Mom My Friend’s Mom My Friend’s Mom My Friend’s Mom My Friend’s Mom My Friend’s Mom My Friend’s Mom My Friend’s Mom My Friend’s MomDylan was 19 years old, he was going to spend the night at his friend Jody’s house. The two were relaxing by the pool when Jody’s mother, Emily, 41, came to sunbathe. She laid down on one of the chairs, exposing her big ass, and wearing a bra so small that it barely covered her nipples. Dylan could hardly believe it, when the woman asked him to put sunscreen on her.The young boy began rubbing her big thighs, Emily encouraged him to go higher, touching her big ass. Dylan noticed that the older woman was wet from his touch. When he finished, Emily touched his hard cock, and promised him that they would see each other that night. Dylan thought it was all something in his imagination that would not go any further, but that night Emily burst into his room in sensual lingerie.The older woman began to give the sleeping young man a blowjob, begging him to wake up. As Emily started to ride his big cock, Dylan woke up. He didn’t know if he was in a dream or living his fantasy, but he began to fuck her hard, sucking on her tits, before throwing her down on the bed so he could watch her face as he penetrated her.The two lovers fucked all night, only ending when the woman’s pussy was dripping with hot cum. The next day, Dylan had to say goodbye to his friend and his mother. Emily discreetly touched his cock, reminding him that he could come back whenever he wanted.

I'm Batman
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Our previous comics titled Spectra’s Counseling – Hermit Moth contains information about Counseling, Danny Phantom Porn, Full Color.

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